Child Find/ Preschool
Free program/services
- Special needs
- Ages 3-21
Developmental Services
- Free
- Ages 3-21
For more information or to schedule a screening appointment:
Katie Abrego,
(970) 867-8297 ext. 1159
Making a referral to Early Intervention is easier than ever. Depending on the provider’s preference, referrals can be made online, by phone or by fax:
- Complete the online referral form
- Call 833-733-3734 (833-REFER-EI)
- Email:
- Download the referral form and fax to 303-866-5944
Screenings are for children from age three to age six who have not yet entered kindergarten.
Areas screened are vision, hearing, speech/language, cognition (thinking and problem-solving skills), small and large motor coordination, social development, and self-help skills.
Parents know their child best, so visiting with parents is also an important component of the screening process. The process takes about one hour. Some children have initial difficulty engaging with the examiners and may require additional time.
When your child has completed this screening you will know if his or her skills are within normal limits or if the Child Find team has additional recommendations. The team sometimes recommends that a child be monitored through a re-screening, usually within six months to a year. At other times, screening results and/or professional observation indicate that a child may have a delay in one or more developmental areas and an evaluation is recommended.
An evaluation is a careful examination of a child's skills, strengths and possible areas of weakness that helps determine current levels of functioning in all developmental areas. Prior to evaluation, the written consent of the child's parents or legal guardians is required.
At this age, information is obtained through a play-based assessment, observation and parent interview. The evaluation team consists of two or more professionals who are licensed through the Colorado Department of Education.
The child is presented with toys and materials selected to elicit the information the team requires to determine whether or not the child is eligible for special education or related services.